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An Overview of CNC Machining Services Its Types and Benefits!!

2019-09-25 04:20:54

CNC stands for Computer Numeric Control is a method to do automatic controlling of machine tools with the advanced software. They are electro power devices which create the product that look simple and attractive and commonly used in manufacturing and industrial gadgets. They are available in standard and desktop models which can help in any operation. Metal, plastic, wood, foam and composites are used to make variety of factory and engineering products with a high degree of accuracy.

They are operated for multiple industries including automobile, aerospace, construction and agriculture also. There are varieties of products that are produced under this process, such as automobile frame, airplane engines, garden tools and surgical tools. This advanced machine can perform multiple functions of drilling, milling and cutting making it a versatile machine.

·       Drilling – this is done to produce cylindrical holes in work piece.

·       Milling – it helps in producing broader range of shapes.

·       Cutting – it cuts the tool along the surface of work piece.

There are frequently used other CNC machines, let us look after its types –

1.     CNC mills- They are run and operated on programs which are written in numbers and letters.

2.     Lathes – Here, the pieces are cut in the circular direction with different tools. High velocity is required to make some complex designs.

3.     Plasma Cutters - Plasma torch is need to cut the material. You need speed and heat to follow the process.

4.     Electric discharge machines – this process molds the material into particular pieces.

5.     Water Jet Cutters – water jet cutter are used to cut hard material, such as granite and metal.

Benefits of CNC Machining services –

·       Extremely Accurate

·       Cost efficient.

·       Designs or templates can get easily repeated with the technology of CNC.

·       There is no harm in operating CNC machine.

·       Internal quality of CNC makes it efficient to work.

With the advancement in technology the power of machines is touching sky which leads to the decline in the manual labor and employment opportunities. We can’t ignore the fact that efficient working of anything needs a machine which can make the task easy and comfortable. CNC machines have been growing and becoming popular in recent years. They can operate for small as well as large business. You just need cutters and drillers to do any piece of work and to accommodate them one must need a machine.

China has become a master player in CNC machining in the world. It’s a big manufacturing country across the globe. There are numerous CNC manufacturing companies in China from small machine shop to a large factory which performs the functions of machining, metal casting, and metal fabrication and so on. The modern manufacturing facilities in China include a functional set up of CNC which work with technology and modern tools. Price is the main reason behind their being in competition, as it brings down the price of their finished products and makes them very competitive. Thus, China is rich in its CNC machining services.

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